Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the UREX factory.

Export of Products

Export of UREX products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All UREX products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant UREX: catamarans, rafts, inflatable boats, wetsuits, life jackets, backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, climbing equipment, gas equipment, tourist clothing, dishes, inflatable sleds, compasses, sports equipment, water attractions
  • Water attractions UREX
    Water attractions
    inflatable bananas UREX-3, 4, 5, etc.
  • Sports equipment UREX
    Sports equipment
    cases, bags, bundles, etc.
  • Compasses UREX
    DC35-2A, DC45-5D, G45-2, G-57
  • Catamarans UREX
    Sport-2, Tourist-1, Inzer, etc.
  • Rafts UREX
    UREX-360, 420, 450, 500, etc.
  • Inflatable boats UREX
    Inflatable boats
    UREX-10, 20, 35, 200, 260, 2900
  • Inflatable sled UREX
    Inflatable sled
    Economy, Standard, Classic, etc.
  • Tourist dishes UREX
    Tourist dishes
    boilers, smokehouses, tripods, etc.
  • Tourist clothing UREX
    Tourist clothing
    summer, winter suits, etc.
  • Gas equipment UREX
    Gas equipment
    stoves, burners, heaters, etc.
  • Wetsuits UREX
    scuba diver, caver, etc.
  • Life jackets UREX
    Life jackets
    Orion, Vodnik, Storm, etc.
  • Backpacks UREX
    Inzer, Golden Eagle, Traveler, etc.
  • Tents UREX
    Baikal, Winter, Lotus, Oka, etc.
  • Sleeping bags UREX
    Sleeping bags
    Summer, Amateur, Uralets, etc.
  • Climbing equipment UREX
    Climbing equipment
    carabiners, clips, ropes, etc.


For sales and support please contact